Our 3 step process
California Elite offers a unique, individualized three step custom service that focuses on placing family security dogs in your home. Your dog will protect your home’s interior, perimeter, and your family as needed to the level of security you desire. Our incredibly talented and accomplished team focuses on your individual requirements and expectations while searching for the perfect dog for your family’s home security and current needs.
Our unique 3 Step System
Step 1
Claudia personally conducts every individual client’s interview, screening, and assessment for your California Elite Family Protection dog. Our detailed questionnaire digs deeply, not only into your needs, wants and desires for your new dog but also understanding your lifestyle, security requirements and expectations.
It is important to discuss the dynamics of your family and what is the driving factor behind your interest and desire to buy a security dog. We believe in cultivating a personal relationship with and understanding our clients to make sure we place the Right dog in the Right home. This requires time getting to know you, discussing what your home environment is like, and where you see your dogs’ services being utilized so we can set and exceed expectations.
Our goal when executing our search for your dog, and planning out its intensive custom training program is the seamless integration of your new security and companion dog with your family and in your home. This step provides us with a comprehensive list and roadmap which captures all the critical information to help us understand what kind of dog and what kind of training is best for your family and situation.
Step 2
The first phase of this step consists of executing a search for the right dog which includes evaluation of drives and trainability of the dog, temperament assessment and comprehensive health screening including hips and elbows. If the animal passes this screening, it is accepted into our “Elite European Training Program” which has been customized to the individual client family’s needs and requirements agreed to in Step 1.
A Zoom meeting or conference call is scheduled with our Master Trainer and Claudia for a question-and-answer session, making sure we are all on the same page going forward. Our World Class training program in Germany begins with your dog entering Phase 1, an intense Family Protection Program which includes formal on and off leash obedience training and a laser focus on obedience and commands in protection, security, and safety at our world class training facility in Cloppenburg, Germany.
After graduation from Phase 1, Phase 2 begins by placing your new dog in our off-site “hotel/home” to begin a second comprehensive, customized in-home training program which includes informal/formal obedience and socialization program with children, animals and environment as well as potty training and house manners.
Step 3
After ‘graduating’ from the second step – it’s time to fly. Upon arrival from the airport your dog begins its 21-day Train and Maintain Program in the USA at the home of our Director of Training. This consists of 1 week of in-home assimilation, reinforcement, proofing and indoctrination of all skills and exercises required to perform its protection, home and formal obedience with his family; consisting of small children and other pets. During this time, a living manual will be created to go home with your dog including a custom video of YOUR DOG performing all the exercises with instructions on how to execute these tasks.
Week 2 will be on site training with your family going over all exercises and commands with one-on-one training. The Director of Training will create a custom schedule to recreate your dog’s day to day activities and protection scenarios that may require the dog to engage in its protection training.
Week 3 consists of 7-day phone support and Zoom meetings with our Director of Training to answer any questions that arise about your dog regarding training and overall maintenance.
Any questions you have are important to us.
The right home
"We only accept the right people whose beliefs match our own as it pertains to the care, love, maintenance and well being of your new dog. This is a valuable family companion and they deserve and require a stable, loving home and a commitment to ongoing maintenance training if optimal health and performance is to be expected."
Claudia Howard